Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Baby on Board

Pro-life/Pro-choice opinions aside, my question of the day is what compels some women to want to get pregnant when they know they are not in a situation to support a child?

I have known women to get pregnant because somewhere in their brain they felt that a baby would help them "hold on to a man". Believe me it backfired in their face. Children should not be used as leverage. Young women do not fully comprehend the enormous pressures and responsibility that a child puts on your life.

Teenage girls think that having a baby will complete a void in their lives, they see motherhood as a glorified "babysitting job". Well listen up, babies are not baby dolls! You can't just throw them in the corner when you're tired of playing with them.

I am in full support of a total revamping of our state sex-ed system. Young men and women both need to learn more about contraception and safe sex practices rather than preaching abstinence. Don't get me wrong, I'm not "preaching" pro or con, but education needs to be comprehensive and not one sided. Have you ever MET a teenager?! All they think about is how much, how fast, and when they can have sex - abstinence is not going to sink in to all their brains, even though it may be effective for some. Arm our youth with knowledge and the ability to make informed decisions.

Children are a blessing, but all too often they are brought into environments that they don't choose, and end up being neglected, abused, or abandoned. They don't have the choice - but their parents do.