Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Merry Christmas

Yes, I did say Merry Christmas - I saw on the news this morning that a boy was suspended for drawing a picture of Jesus at school. The assignement was to draw a picture related to CHRISTMAS!

I'm not one to preach believe me, because I don't want someone else telling me what to think or beleive! But seriously, things are getting ridiculous especially when everyone is trying so hard to be politically correct. My thoughts are - don't take things so seriously. If you aren't in imminent harm, GET OVER IT. Let people say Merry Christmas or pray in schools or whatever they want to do. If you don't agree, turn the other cheek, bow your head and recite a poem, or say Happy Hannukah instead. Whatever you want to do - it's called FREEDOM. Last time I checked that's why our soldiers our overseas dying - so we can CHOOSE how to express our beliefs.

I grew up saying the pledge of allegiance in school and having a "moment of silence". I never put much meaning into it, but now that I'm older I see that there is a significance to starting the day off being thankful - thankful to have a safe school, thankful for a good education, thankful that you have a way to school in the morning.

There is a definite breakdown in youth today, riddled with violence and poverty. I'm absolutely not saying that prayer and patriotism will fix these problems, but the youth today need something to believe in, something to look forward to, they need hope.

Hug your family, tell someone you love them, and be happy that you have something good in your life.


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