Tuesday, November 10, 2009

New Blog up for disucssion :)

Stirring the Pot

So, you may have noticed that I posted a status of "Vaccines do not cause Autism" on my Facebook. I didn't think it would really ruffle that many feathers but apparently it did. I would like to use my blog to discuss other various topics of interest, broaden my horizons, and get the intellectual juices flowing. In today's world we are so caught up in the ends and outs of work and television no one has good 'ol fashion "discussions" anymore. So if you have friends or know people that would appreciate discussing various topics share my blog spot with them. The blog is www.mrsmgoodwin.blogspot.com please join in on the conversation.  Just remember everyone is entitled to their opinion :) Be respectful.

I would like to pose a new question or topic every week or so for discussion/debate. If you have any issues that you would like to see discussed please email them to me. Happy Debating.


Miranda Goodwin


  1. Great idea, Miranda. I look forward to reading your posts.

  2. I'm going to start this off by first stating that I am not a doctor. I do know a bit more than the average person about medicine, but that's strictly from a trauma and triage point of view. Now that being said, I must ask: Did we all not receive vaccines as kids growing up? What is available today that wasn't available when we got them? Because of my former profession, I've been subject to vaccines and innoculations that most people will never experience (Anthrax, MMR, Hepatitis A & B, Dengue Fever, Yellow Fever, Smallpox, etc) and I have yet to experience even one adverse effect from any of them. Now I know anthrax has been at the center of debate (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthrax_Vaccine_Immunization_Program) because at one point they stopped giving it to us because some people claimed adverse effects from it. And what I'm trying to say is that nothing is perfect. It's just like the side effects warnings from prescription medicine (seriously, who gets anal leakage?). Sometimes the side effects seem worse than what they're treating. But the warnings are potentials that COULD happen in a very small number of people that take it. Sure, The anthrax vaccine can cause problems in a very small number of people who receive it. Look at the girl who got the flu vaccine and all of a sudden has problems controlling her nervouse system and walking right (and we're not even sure if she's faking or not). The point is, with everything in life, there comes with it and acceptable risk. The only way to ever truly secure someone from ever having anything bad happen to them is to lock them up in a room where they only breath pure Oxygen and drink pure H2O and are fed through a tube in case they're allergic to anything. But anyone who does that would be seen as crazy. But you have to admite, we've become a nanny state that will protect our precious little snowflakes from anything that could even be perceived as harmful. We've become a nation of helicopter parents that are taking charge of our childrens growing up process because we're too afraid. Would you let your kid walk around outside without any shoes on? Why not? You did it, and you turned out okay. Look, I'm not trying to say that vaccines cause autism. I'm not trying to say they don't. I'm just saying that we need to stop blaming someone else whenever things go wrong. If you think they cause it, then don't give them to your kids. But the last time I checked, more progress in life has been made with them, than without them. Now is that a risk you're willing to accept?

